So we've been out of the loop for the last little while with the Holiday of our forefathers and what not. Now we're back with a lot of things to address. Mark, Set, Go!
A True Haiku (I think this one'll do)
She drawed,
She drawed me into her painting.
She knew watercolors were my weakness
and with her charisma I didn't see my own blindness.
I was all four her from day one,
we fell in two love
three months later I realized
that I had been four warned from above.
She left me...barely living.
How wretched my pain.
I fell for her facade.
Where to go now.
Not a question. A statement.
I'm going to Where.
A place that everyone else can't seem to find.
"Where am I going?" Say most,
Where, is where I'm going, I boast.
I loved with Love that was much more than love.
Love was my loves name.
She fooled me twice, shame on me still.
I leave to Where, I'm going there
to get away from Love-
To find love.
That was a group of feelings Bret had about a certain miss Kinsey Crabb.
I''m prepping for my first week of College finals. A stressful experience thus far. As I was reading through my lecture notes I came across a quote by an anonymous source (anonymous as in I'm too lazy to open my book that's under my elbow to see who said it). Anonymous said,
"Our human nature: To question, to explore, to discover, to test the limits of the known, and to push beyond to the unknown."
An inspirational, moving, potentially life-changing quote. At first. I pondered this statement and I came to a conclusion. That being, I know everything. How can I try to advance the knowledge and discoveries of my world when I know for a fact that I know it all. Who am I? I am Smart. I'm just saying that it really is tough to be me (Bret). I'm grateful for this thought because now that I've reminded myself that I know everything, I don't have to study for my finals. I'll blog instead.
ILML. Peace and LOL. Thanks for reading, if you can...